Meet Alyson Hau, the Face of Courage!
On 2023 Nov 25, she will take up a huge challenge - to abseil from 1000ft at the iconic One Island East.
HK Vertical 1000 is not just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to step out of their comfort zone, but also the chance to fundraise for a local charity - Outward Bound Hong Kong and its work to #FutureProofYOUth.
Listen to her story:
Abseiling for Outward Bound, is a once in a lifetime opportunity to challenge myself.
To have my daughters witness their mummy take this challenge on, will not only create core memories for us as a family, but it will empower us that we can do anything we set our minds to.
And that's what Outward Bound does everyday!! Empowering everyone through their amazing work, that surprises them of their own physical limits, and helps them push boundaries, beyond their time during the courses.
Research shows every $1 returned $13 social benefits
Every year, over 2500 participants received subsidies to participate in Outward Bound courses. Participants report a significant increase in resilience, compassion, self-confidence, and environmental responsibility.
Your donation allows Outward Bound Hong Kong to provide life-changing experiences to Hong Kong youth and enables disadvantaged young people to re-imagine themselves and their future, contributing to a stronger Hong Kong.